Best Poker Quotes And Sayings


What Are Gambling Sayings?

Gambling and casino sayings are often figures of speech, colloquially crafted mutterings that have existed far too long to even remember, and in fact, tracing the origins of some of these popular sayings is near to impossible. The beauty of language and its intrinsic power to communicate complex ideas succinctly is often an overlooked skill. There are many fundamental concepts and true wisdom that can be extracted from the following simple phrases.

So without further ado, let’s turn you into a budding wordsmith and explore the world’s favorite casino quotes.

1. “Gambling is the great leveler, all men are equal at cards.”

“God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players i.e. Everybody, to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.”. Best Casino Popular Quotes And Sayings “Games of chance often involve some amount of skill; this does not make them legal. Good poker players often beat novices. But poker is still gambling, and running a poker room – or online casino – is illegal in New York.”-Eric Schneiderman. Funny poker quotes and famous poker sayings! These funny poker quotes are well known and can be seen in poker books and even movies all around the globe. While some of it is purely entertaining, there is always some truth in all jokes, so it will be worth your time. “Just play every hand, you can’t miss them all.”. So I decided to put together this list with input from several pros of the top 105 best poker quotes of all time from some of poker's most legendary players and personalities. Note: This post went completely viral on Twitter and elsewhere. Enjoy:) The Top 105 Best Poker Quotes of All Time 1. People pretend it is a game.'

This hard-hitting piece of philosophical wisdom is from the mind of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol a Ukrainian-born Russian writer. Besides contributing a expertly crafted dramatically scripts for theatre, novels and short stories, he was known to produce critical contemporary commentaries on the most pertinent political and social issues of his time.

In this gambling quote, ”Gambling is the great leveler, all men are equal at cards.”, Gogol is clearly highlighting the balanced and unbiased nature of gambling, nobody has more luck than another, regardless of rank or title, in a game of cards, any man can pull cards from the deck. Whilst this is a simple statement, it carries incredible purpose and importance for modern-day gambling theory. Overconfidence, and elements of gamblers fallacy are often found following an inquest into an extremely costly gambling session. Those who pay attention to the lessons of this quote, and remember they do not possess a divine advantage to win at a casino are often more likely to make smarter wagers, and ultimately more profit.

2. “Gambling is entertainment. People go to casinos to be entertained.”

Best Poker Quotes And Sayings Funny

This optimistic view of the gambling industry is more complex than it initially seems. Crafted by Eric Schneiderman, the 65th Attorney General of New York, who was discussing his opinions on the legalization of gambling in his state.

In this gambling quote, “Gambling is entertainment. People go to casinos to be entertained.”, we are reminding the true reason people gamble. There is an undeniable truth surrounding casinos and the general financial sustainability of a long-term gambling career. But what many critics of the industry often forget is the entertainment factor that underpins gambling. Yes, at times it is likely you will lose money, but the reason people choose to travel to Las Vegas or Macau isn’t necessarily to maximize their chances of making a gambling profit, but to experience the atmosphere of a world-class casino and receive an entertainment factor that can sometimes be a priceless experience for the punter. In that sense losses made gambling can also be expensed against the entertainment cost you have received.

3. “At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.”


This quintessential piece of wisdom delivered by the great Ian Fleming again reminds us of the falsehood of believing in one’s own unique advantage or skill at a game of chance. Ian Fleming was an English author, journalist, naval intelligence offer, and best known as the creator of the James Bond series of novels.

In this gambling quote, “At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.”, the reader is taken back to all the many times they may have lost in a game of cards or poker. If this is you want to boost your game, check out our blackjack guide and roulette guide, which give you a rundown on everything you need for playing online, including links to rules and strategy guides for both games..

Bad luck and bad play can often be merged and misinterpreted, as any frequent poker player will attest, the more they practice and refine their skill at interpreting cards into probabilities to make calculated betting decisions, the luckier they get. Skilled card players reach the top of their game by meticulously studying the game, understanding the exact mathematics behind each outcome, and using this Bayesian statistics approach to gain small advantages over their fellow competitors, and indeed the casino.

4. “Don’t tell me about your wins, tell me your losses.”

Everyone who has friends involved in the gambling will be able to relate to this famous quote, although tracing the origins of this quote are difficult, it has been a common mantra familiar to track-side punters in Victorian England, and perhaps even further back than that.

Of course, this relates again to the unwitting gambler, who shamelessly pours money into the gambling without keeping accurate records, or any basic tracking mechanism to understand the true nature of their long-term profit/loss. These types of punters are very quick to celebrate wins and paint the illusion that they are a prodigy gambler, capable of making huge gains when it comes to picking horses, football teams or any other type of bet, but when they more than not make dramatic losses, quietness ensues. To counter this, anyone who claims to be an expert tipster should always be prepared to offer a transparent account of their betting history, to give an honest picture of their true skill as a bettor and gambler.

Best poker quotes and sayings funny

5. “Quit while you’re ahead.”

This timeless piece of advice often given to those who are making above average returns on an investment, in gambling, or in any situation where they have made some form of gain, be it financial, political, social, is one that many of us will have heard again and again.

One of the most famous gambling phrases, “Quit while you’re ahead.”, originates in the early modern period when the impact of Europe on the entire world was increasing. The Spanish Empire was at its peak in terms of influence and power, and one of its most prized philosophers Baltasar Morales was the one to articulate the idea of quitting whilst ahead. People throughout the empire were making tremendous amounts of money through merchant routes, discovering new territories, and venturing into parts of the world never explored. The risk-taking attitude was prevalent, and there were many that would have been urged to reassess the risks and consider settling. This gambling quote is certainly one of its time, not necessarily birthed in direct relation to casino gambling as we know it today, but certainly, one that is adequately applied to the modern practice.

The Intrinsic Wisdom of Casino Quotes

There are tons of gambling sayings and quotes out there, it would be impossible to cover all of them. But throughout the majority of gambling mantra and philosophy, there are underlying themes and lessons that remain consistent. Frugality and prudence are often emphasized, to be aware of one’s chances without obfuscating and falling trap to the illusion of higher chances of success. Also, to avoid the temptation of greed, if one can successfully resist the urge to chase higher profits, and settle with more modest and well-secured amounts, in the long-run this person will be richer in the pocket, in social relationships and health. All of these gambling quotes can be useful to remember when you are playing casino games for real money. This is true whether you play at online casinos UK or at land-based establishments.

Are you a poker lover? If yes then you might know some legends and very famous personalities in the Poker industry. If you want to start with online poker then Bola888 and Bingo are a good option for all beginners. Now let’s have a look at these poker quotes by famous players.

“Poker may be a branch of psychological warfare, an art form or indeed a way of life, but it is also merely a game in which money is simply the means of keeping score.” ~ Anthony Holden

“Every poker player, like every fisherman, needs to have a story in a box, and most poker stories are completely uninteresting.” ~ Jason Alexander

“Poker is not simply a game of odds, moves, and calculations. It is a game of controlled and exploited emotions including greed, fear, over-confidence, and anger.” ~ Steven Lubet

Both poker and investing are games of incomplete information. You have a certain set of facts and you are looking for situations where you have an edge, whether the edge is psychological or statistical.

Actors should be better poker players. But I think there’s an actual skill and crazy guts that you need to play poker – this ability to put all this money on the line inside of that game of cards. There’s this whole different set of skills that don’t apply to act whatsoever.

What scares me the most is that both the poker bot and Dropbox started out as distractions. That little voice in my head was telling me where to go, and the whole time I was telling it to shut up so I could get back to work. Sometimes that little voice knows best.

It’s a great battle, and it really is a battle, and there are people from all walks of life, you know, never judge anybody at the table: A man can be the greatest poker player and he might know all the numbers, but he might get beaten by a really savvy kid who works in a grocery store, and that’s what’s so great about this game.

As for poker, I’ve stayed away from that, even though when I was in Vegas for Ocean’s Eleven, I would get accosted by these guys begging me to play. They just want to take my money. They see me, think ‘actor’ and see some easy money.

Best Poker Quotes And Sayings Images

I feel very badly about anybody that’s sick and in a wheelchair or not doing well. But you know, you have to go, ‘Life is a poker game, and we’re going to play our cards somehow.

A lot of boys in my poker circle are mathematicians who play on probability. I don’t have that kind of brain, so I rely on instinct. But I recently found out that poker and cards, in general, go way back in my family gene pool.

Best Poker Quotes And Sayings For A

Best Poker Quotes And Sayings

There’s more luck in poker. Getting good at golf requires a certain amount of physical aptitude. Both take a lot of patience. Both require knowing when to gamble – either with a big bluff or a high-risk shot. Both can be infuriating.