Roulette Dream Symbolism

  1. Dream Symbolism Christian
  2. Dream Symbolism Losing Teeth
  3. Dream Symbolism Water
  4. Roulette Dream Symbolism Analysis

Dream Interpretation Roulette Dream Meanings

Taking a chance; look at decisions you have made, what you are doing; you are gambling and may wind up where you do not want to be. Take responsibility for creating your best. Wheel of karma. See Karma.

AI Roulette is usually laughable, but if the AI is having a lucky streak when your party (esp. A beginning party) is fighting it, you'll stop laughing. In particular, some bosses are only vulnerable when they perform a specific move; this trope can result in controller-tossing rage when the AI Roulette doesn't come up with this move. To dream of groups can indicate you are to work with groups as a spiritual leader / teacher. Spiritual teachers empower others rather than taking their problems away from them. Look for other symbols in the dream that indicate leadership such as a leader, instructor or someone talking with authority. Interpretation of a dream «Roulette» You are obsessed with a cherished dream, which you want to realize no matter what – this is a prediction of a dream about roulette, which you want to play. Basically, a dream about roulette has an opposite interpretation.

Dream Symbolism Christian

Interpretation of a dream «Roulette» You are obsessed with a cherished dream, which you want to realize no matter what – this is a prediction of a dream about roulette, which you want to play. Basically, a dream about roulette has an opposite interpretation. Russian roulette What does it meaning of russian, roulette, in dream? Encyclopedia of Dream Interpretation helps to analyse and meaning the significance of your dreams.

Christian dream symbolism dictionary

The Dream Books Symbols Betty Bethards

See Gambling.

Dream symbolism christian

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett

Dreaming that you are betting your inheritance in roulette means that you leave the resolution of your problems to chance. (See GAME, LOTTERY, and QUINELLA)

The Big Dictionary of Dreams Martha Clarke

If you dream of playing roulette, then you are playing with your life, taking your chances and betting on yourself. See Gamble and Wheel of Fortune.

Strangest Dream Explanations Dream Explanations - Anonymous

1. Arguments in the offing—possibly with friends, likely domestic.

2. Use caution in risky emotional matters, usually in intimate relationships.

New American Dream Dictionary Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin

Vision + T: Watching others play roulette means you are being tempted. Playing roulette: great fortunes are ahead.

If you are winning: be prepared for losses in the near future. See Wheel of Fortune.

Dreamers Dictionary Garuda

Figurative of an insecure venture

Dream Dictionary Unlimited Margaret Hamilton

Symbolic of hoping for an unlikely outcome in a situation

Christian Dream Symbols Tyler Wolfe

Dream Symbolism Losing Teeth

Roulette Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream:Roulette


Each game envisioned in a dream has different meanings, depending on its focus.

For example, chess stresses logic, forethought, and strategy as a key for victory, roulette wheels reflect gambles and uncertainty, word jumbles symbolize the need for ordered communications, and Monopoly might represent cautious use of money.

Figuratively, playing games with people instead of being forthright.... The Language of Dreams

Dream Symbolism Water

The Language of Dreams


If you are betting your money on cards, it means you want to rely on chance to solve your problems. The unconscious is warning you of this error and invites you to discard the possibility that the problems will solve themselves.

If you are playing a game of cards and demonstrate ability and skill, these will be the qualities that you have in real life. Maybe the dream is telling you to adopt the same courage, strategy, and good timing required in card games. Games such as Twenty-one (or Blackjack) show that we should not let opportunities slip away. Others refer to the need for patience when it comes to making deals. Keep in mind another important detail: the symbolic origin of cards. The deck of fifty-six cards consists of fourteen figures for each of the four suits: coins (circles, discs, wheels), clubs (maces, scepters), swords, and cups. The coin symbolizes material forces; the club, power and control; the cup, love; and the sword action. This symbolism must be taken into account if you remember such details. (See GAME, LOTTERY, BETTING POOL, and ROULETTE)

In a deck of cards, each figure has a meaning. In oneiric terms, diamonds represent wealth; clubs indicate work; hearts predict happiness in love; and spades, finally, portend future problems.... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


If you take part in a children’s game in dreams, the interpretation is clear: you take refuge in the past to escape from present responsibilities. On the other hand, if you dream you are playing a board game it reveals that your social relationships are superficial.

If you dream you are betting your wealth on some game of chance, it means you hope chance will solve your problems. Finally, if you are just the spectator of a game—without participating—the image is a symptom that you are behaving indifferently to certain problems that concern you directly. (See LOTTERY, CARD, BETTING POOL, and ROULETTE)

Roulette dream symbolism definition

According to the saying of an Indian guru, life is a dream and we should realize this. But it is also a game and it’s essential that we play our part.... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


Dreams in which the lottery appears, unfortunately, are not premonitory. That is, if you dream about it, it doesn’t mean that you will guess the winning number. However, the dream is positive, because dreaming you win the jackpot shows great confidence in your life and in the goals you have set. If, however, you dream that you are betting your wealth on a game of chance, it means that you behave as if chance will solve your problems. Your unconscious is warning you that it is a mistake to wait for conflicts to be resolved by themselves. (See GAME, CARD, and ROULETTE)

According to many superstitions, the omens in this dream are unfavorable.... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The Big Dictionary of Dreams


Dreams in which you make a quinella—or other betting games—do not tend to be premonitions. In every form, this type of scene is positive, as the prize ensures security in life. In case the quinella that you dream of is not a winning one, the message is still advantageous, as it reminds you that what does not happen today could happen tomorrow. If, on the other hand, you are betting your inheritance, the dream advises that you are leaving the resolution of your problems up to chance. (See GAME, LOTTERY, EMBLEM, and ROULETTE)

R... The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Roulette Dream Symbolism Analysis

The Big Dictionary of Dreams