St Charles Casino Missouri


This is a big, beautiful resort style hotel/casino that is easily accessible off the main freeway. Lots of convenience around this resort in St Charles - shopping, restaurants and gas stations. The Ameristar accommodations are superb. Located just west of the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, you don’t have to go far to explore everything that makes Ameristar an exceptional experience in historic St.

1520 S 5th St #110,

St Charles, MO 63303

(636) 277-0202

Monday - Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–12AM
Saturday 8AM–12AM
Sunday 8AM–9PM

“prasino” means “green” in greek, conceived with seasonality in mind, the menu is focused on local, organic, and sustainably sourced ingredients wherever possible. local farmers are an integral part of the restaurant by providing fresh, seasonal foods that minimize the carbon footprint while supporting surrounding purveyors. like-minded farms provide the flavors that reflect the region and are then incorporated into weekly features as well as the seasonally changing menu.

the culinary team’s award-winning creations are complemented by a farm-to-bar beverage program of artisan cocktails featuring small-batch spirits, craft beers and outstanding sustainable and vintage wines creating a truly unique and exciting dining experience. if simple words could summarize the driving force of Prasino’s success, it would be passion, people and product. these core values have kept prasino committed to green initiatives while elevating the cuisine and refined service.”


green initiatives

our team at prasino is well-educated in organic standards and national certification requirements central to our eco-friendly mission. we can confidently assure our guests that our internal processes and the exceptional vendors we work with are responsible stewards of the environment.

“best new restaurant in st. louis”
– st.louis magazine

“best brunch item, pretzel croissant”
– usa today


“best date night 2014”
-st. louis magazine

Hollywood Casino St Charles Missouri

Hollywood casino st charles missouriSt Charles Casino Missouri

“best cocktail happy hour in st.louis”
– cbs

“america’s top ten breakfasts”
– new york post

Ameristar Casino St Charles Missouri

“top ten most booked restaurants in st. louis”
– st. louis business journal